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Salt Lake City Comic Con

August 15, 2014 1 min read

Salt Lake City Comic Con

Earlier this year Boutique Academia had it's first table at a Comic Con -- at the Wizard World Portland Comic Con 2014. It was an incredible amount of fun. The cosplay! The enthusiasm! The geekiness! 

Here I am as I packed everything up to go...hoping I wasn't forgetting anything. (I did forget my toothbrush, as it turned out, but don't worry - I bought a new one in Portland.)

The Boutique Academia table, all set and ready to go on the first day.

The costumes were fabulous. My favorite was a lovely princess who bought one of our moon pendants to match her dress.

Portland Comic Con was so great that September 4-6 we are taking Boutique Academia even further from home, to the Salt Lake City Comic Con! If you are going to be there, definitely don't miss us. We will be at Red 60, and we will be giving away Molecule come stop by! See you there!

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