Valentine's Day delivery in U.S. -- order by 2/6 First Class or 2/9 Priority
Valentine's Day delivery in U.S. -- order by 2/6 First Class or 2/9 Priority
February 06, 2015 2 min read 2 Comments
Valentine's Day is almost here, and everyone is obsessed with love and caring and all that stuff. I like Valentine's Day as much as the next person, but to be honest, I've never been that into the traditional Valentine's gifts like flowers, chocolate, stuffed animals, etc.
I've been married for 12 years now, and still the gestures of love that make my heart beat faster are all things that have some thought and effort put into them -- things that say that my sweetheart knows me. Sometimes what makes me feel loved is the little stuff, like when he takes the garbage out in the cold rain (and it rains here in Oregon a lot). Sometimes it's a late-night shopping trip for milk and bread and my favorite cereal because we've run out. For gifts (since he can't very well get me jewelry), maybe it's warm socks with geeky designs because my feet get cold in the winter, or that book I've been wanting to read.
The point is, everyone does flowers and chocolate. They're easy, and don't require any thought. They check the box without effort or planning. tip: if you want to make her REALLY feel loved, get her something that tells her that you know her, that you value her unique talents and personality, and that you love her because she is herself.
And....if your sweetheart is a geek with style who studies, works in, or otherwise loves science, math or technology, I've got the perfect gifts. For instance:
Everyone gives heart jewelry. But how many of those are anatomically correct? These come in gold or silver-rhodium.
Love feels like forever, so here are three kinds of mathematical infinity: Fibonacci, the infinity symbol, and pi. Each is subtle, stylish, and very wearable. Excellent for mathematicians and also everyone else.
For the biologically inclined, it's impossible to go wrong with dopamine -- the neurotransmitter of love. Or you could get her a flower that never dies: a rose petal under a microscope. Or maybe she just really likes microscopes, in which case these darling microscope necklaces are perfect.
Whatever you end up with as a symbol of your devotion this Valentine's Day, I hope it says that you know her... that you value her mind and her personality and her passions and her goals. That's how you win at Valentine's Day.
Wishing you both all the happiness in the world,
October 20, 2016
Awsm art simply fabulous
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Khakie Jones
February 11, 2017
They say love is really in the brain and not the heart. But I know the truth. I’d like an anatomical heart for Valentines Day.